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About TaskHub

Welcome to TaskHub, a powerful desktop application designed to make project management efficient and effortless.

With TaskHub, you will be able to:

  • Store your employees’ contact information
  • Create and manage projects for your employees to be delegated to
  • Create customized tasks for each project and assign your employees to them
  • View all of your employees, projects and tasks at a glance

and much more!

TaskHub uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) for you to type in your desired actions. If you are a fast typist, this is perfect for you as it allows you to execute commands without having to leave the keyboard and gets your project management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

TaskHub also uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to display content and data. This allows for data to be presented to you in an elegant, fuss-free manner.

Start to streamline your project management workflow today with TaskHub!

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About this User Guide

This user guide aims to provide you with all the information needed to get started with TaskHub.

If you are new to TaskHub, you may refer to the Navigating the User Guide section first, then to the Getting Started section to start installing and using TaskHub.

If you would like to find out more about its individual features, you may refer to the Features section.

If you are an experienced user and want to quickly refer to the various commands, you may refer to the Command Summary section.

If you would like to find out more about the technical aspects of TaskHub, you may refer to our Developer Guide.

Finally, if you would like an overview of this entire user guide, you may refer to our Table of Contents.

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The following symbols will be used throughout this user guide to assist you.

:bulb: Tip: Provides information that is not necessary to know, but could enhance your user experience.
:information_source: Information: Provides information that will be useful to know.
:warning: Warning: Provides important information about a feature/command.
:no_entry: Danger: Provides very important information about a consequence (that could be irreversible) from a feature/command.


  • Words in blue are links that direct you to either a section of our user guide, or another website.
  • At the bottom of every main section, there will be a Return to Table of Contents link directing you to the Table of Contents, allowing you to quickly switch between different sections.

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Getting Started

Installing and Launching TaskHub

Step 1: Install Java

Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer. If you don’t have Java installed, follow the steps in Appendix A: Installing Java.

Step 2: Download TaskHub

Download the latest taskhub.jar from here.

Step 3: Set up TaskHub Home Folder

Copy or move the downloaded taskhub.jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TaskHub.

Step 4: Launch TaskHub

  1. Open a terminal (MacOS) or command prompt (Windows).

  2. Navigate to the folder where you placed the taskhub.jar file using the cd command. For example, our friendly TaskHubber has his taskhub.jar file in /Users/timothyleow/Developer/TaskHub, so he’ll run:

     cd /Users/timothyleow/Developer/TaskHub
  3. Verify that your working directory contains taskhub.jar by using the ls command. You should see taskhub.jar in the list of files printed. Here’s what our friendly TaskHubber got when running this command.

     timothyleow@timleows-MBP TaskHub % ls
  4. Once your terminal’s working directory is the folder that contains taskhub.jar, run the following command to launch TaskHub:

     java -jar taskhub.jar

    After executing this command, a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to the one below should appear shortly:

    Note: The application comes with some sample data for your reference.

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Understanding the components of TaskHub


An Employee is someone that you are managing. TaskHub allows you to store their essential details and tag them with their strengths and weaknesses so you can allocate them to suitable Projects or Tasks.


Field Description Prefix for addE
Name Name of the employee. n/
Phone Number Phone number of the employee. p/
Email Email address of the employee. e/
Address Address of the employee. a/
Tags Tags indicating strengths/weaknesses/position of the employee. t/


A Project in TaskHub is a managerial unit that includes information about Employees allocated to the project and an (optionally) set deadline. You can mark a Project as done when you deem fit. Additionally, you can add Tasks to a Project.


Field Description Prefix for addP Relevant Command(s)
Name Name of the project. n/ -
Employees Employees assigned to the project. em/ assignP
Deadline Deadline for the project. - dlP
Priority Priority level of the project. - priorityP
CompletionStatus Indicates whether the project is completed or in progress. - markP, unmarkP
Tasks Tasks associated with the project. - addT


A Task in TaskHub represents a specific job within a Project that can be assigned to an Employee under that Project. Tasks are required to have a deadline. Managing Tasks will be the main way of monitoring the work done within your TaskHub!


Field Description Prefix for addT Relevant Command
Name Name of the task. n/ -
Employee Employee assigned to the task. em/ assignT
Deadline Deadline for completing the task. d/ -
isDone Indicates whether the task is complete. N.A. markT, unmarkT

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Understanding the User Interface (UI)

Ui Parts

TaskHub’s UI consists of 4 main parts that you will be using for your project management:

  • The menu bar is where you can exit TaskHub or even open the help window with a simple click of your mouse!
  • While commands to exit TaskHub or open the help window can be entered as a command, this is a beginner-friendly alternative for newer users who might not be so familiar with the commands.


Upon clicking help on the menu bar as shown below or by using the shortcut F1,


a help window pops up with a list of all the possible commands:

help window

and at the bottom of the window, is a link to our user guide.


Command Panel

  • The command panel is the main panel that you will be interacting with to key in commands and also get back the results of those commands.
  • The upper box is where you can type in your command.
  • And the lower box is where you will see the results of those commands.

Employee Panel

  • The employee panel is one of two panels that you can use to see what is stored in TaskHub.
  • The employee panel, as the name suggests, is where all the information about each employee is stored.
  • You can see their name, phone number, address, email address, and even whatever tags that you have for each of them as needed!

Project Panel

  • The project panel is the other panel that you will be using to see the data stored in TaskHub.
  • Projects, as well as their members, tasks to complete in the project, and other important details for managing your project are stored here!

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Quick start

:warning: Warning: The first step in the Quick Start guide involves deleteP, which is irreversible. If you wish to keep the sample data, then you can head straight to the Features section below to figure out TaskHub on your own.

If you’re okay with modifying the sample data, then we’ll proceed with our first gist of project management with TaskHub. Time is ticking!

At this point, you should have installed Java 11 and be able to to run TaskHub without issues. If you haven’t done so, you may return to the Installation Guide.

If all is well, TaskHub should look something like this when you first run it:

Step 1: Deleting a finished project

Hmmm, it seems like you’re done with the ‘Website Redesign Project’. Let’s get rid of this data by running the below command.

deleteP 1

You should get the following response:

Deleted Project: 
Name: Website Redesign;
Completed? Yes;
Deadline: 15-11-2023;
Priority: HIGH
Members: Alex Yeoh, Bernice Yu

Now, you’re looking at the ‘Market Expansion’ project, which we’ll be focusing on.

Step 2: Adding a new employee to TaskHub:

You’ve just got an email from your boss, saying that the fresh graduate that you recently interviewed is joining your team!

Here are his details:

Name Anton Tan
Phone Number 98765432
Address Anton Street, block 123, #01-01
Strengths TeamPlayer, Hardworking

Let’s run the following command to add him to your team of Employees.

addE n/Anton Tan p/98765432 e/
 a/Anton Street, block 123, #01-01 t/TeamPlayer t/Hardworking

You should get the following response:

New employee added: Anton Tan;
Phone: 98765432;
Address: Anton Street, block 123, #01-01;
Tags: [TeamPlayer][Hardworking]

Step 3: Assigning an Employee to a Project in TaskHub:

You’ve decided that you need more help with the ‘Market Expansion Project’. Let’s run the following command to enlist Anton’s help:

assignP pr/1 em/7

You should get the following response:

Member(s) have been assigned!
Name: Market Expansion; Completed? No; Deadline: 30-12-2023; Priority: NORMAL
Members: Charlotte Oliveiro, David Li, Anton Tan

Step 4: Adding a Task to a Project:

Anton is eager to contribute to his newly assigned project. Since you’ve found that he is particularly skilled at Market Segmentation, let’s run the following command to give him a task that he will excel at. To measure his capabilities, you’ll only give him until the end of November to complete this.

addT n/Market Segmentation pr/1 em/3 d/30-11-2023 2359

You should get the following response:

New task added to project 1, 
Description: Market Segmentation;
Deadline: 30 Nov 2023, 11:59PM;
Assignee: Anton Tan

Step 5: Marking a Task as Complete:

It’s the next morning. You receive an eager email from Anton reporting that he’s already completed the Market Segmentation Task. After reviewing his report, you are thoroughly impressed and wish to mark his work as done in TaskHub. Let’s run this command:

markT pr/1 t/3

You should get the following response:

1 task(s) marked as completed under the project: Market Expansion

If you’ve followed the steps correctly, TaskHub should look something like this now:

Scroll down in the Employees pane to notice Anton, the newest addition to your team.

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For a more comprehensive overview of what you can achieve with TaskHub, you may proceed to the Features section below.


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in addE n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as addE n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • All commands that can take in multiple indexes should have its indexes separated by single spaces.
    e.g. if the command specifies INDEX [MORE_INDEXES], it should be entered as 1 2 3 instead of 1  2  3.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, listE, listP, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • Commands that contain [MORE INDEXES] are able to take in more than one index for the relevant parameter, separated by spaces.
    e.g. 1, 2 5 4, 3 7

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

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General Commands

View help: help

Enter a help command into TaskHub to quickly display the same help window without having to click on help.

Format: help

List all employees and projects: list

Shows a list of all employees and projects in TaskHub.

Format: list

Clear all entries: clear

Clears all entries from TaskHub.

Format: clear

:no_entry: Danger

  • This action is irreversible.
  • Please ensure that you are certain that you want to delete all existing employees, projects and tasks before proceeding.

Exit the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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Employee Commands

Command Parameters

Parameter Description​ Examples​
NAME The employee’s name.

It should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

It should not be blank and should not exceed 80 characters.
- John Doe
- Vishnu
PHONE The employee’s phone number.

It should only contain numbers.

It should be at least 3 digits long and should not exceed 20 digits.
- 91822213
- 9313491028503
EMAIL The employee’s email.

It should be of the format local-part@domain.

The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (+_.-)

This is followed by a ’@’ and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods. The domain name must end with a domain label at least 2 characters long, have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters, and have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

The total length of the email should not exceed 100 characters.
ADDRESS The employee’s address.

It can take any values, and it should not be blank.

It should not exceed more than 100 characters.
- Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 #01-1427
TAG The employee’s tag(s).

It should only contain alphanumeric characters.

It should not exceed more than 40 characters.
- Manager
- Team1
INDEX The index number of the employee as shown in the employee panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of employees currently shown in the displayed employee panel. It should be less than 1000.
- 1
KEYWORD The keyword to find an employee by name.

It should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

It is case-insensitive.
- Alex
- alex yeoh

Note that some of the limits for the parameters stated above are not enforced by the application. You are recommended to follow these limits for the best user experience. We may enforce them in a future iteration.

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Add an employee: addE

Adds an employee to the employees list.

Format: addE n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​

:bulb: Tip: An employee can have any number of tags (including 0)


  • addE n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01
  • addE n/Betsy Crowe t/Junior e/ a/Brick street p/91234567 t/Employee

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Edit an employee: editE

Edits an existing employee in the TaskHub.

Format: editE INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

  • Edits the employee at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee panel.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the employee will be removed i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the employee’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


  • editE 1 p/91234567 e/ Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st employee to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • editE 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ Edits the name of the 2nd employee to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.

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Delete an employee: deleteE

Deletes the specified employee from the employees list.

Format: deleteE INDEX

  • Deletes the employee at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee panel.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

:no_entry: Danger

  • This action is irreversible.
  • Please ensure that you are certain that you want to delete the employee before proceeding.


  • listE followed by deleteE 2 deletes the 2nd employee in the employees list.
  • findE Betsy followed by deleteE 1 deletes the 1st employee in the results of the findE command.

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List all employees: listE

Shows a list of all employees in TaskHub.

list example

Format: listE

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Locate employees by name: findE

Finds employees whose names contain any of the given keywords. Additionally, it shows only the projects that these employees are under.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Employees matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


  • findE John returns john and John Doe
  • findE alex david returns Alex Yeoh, David Li
  • findE david returns David Li

    result for 'findE David'

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Project Commands

Command Parameters

Parameter Description​ Examples​
NAME/ PROJECT_NAME The project’s name.

It should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

It should not be blank and should not exceed 80 characters.
- Website Redesign
- Market Sentiment Analysis
EMPLOYEE_INDEX The index number of the employee as shown in the employee panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of employees currently shown in the displayed employee panel. It should be less than 1000.
- 1
INDEX The index number of the project as shown in the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of projects currently shown in the displayed project panel. It should be less than 1000.
- 2
PRIORITY The project’s priority level.

It should only take one of these 3 values: low, normal, high.
- low
- high
DEADLINE The project’s deadline date.

It can either be empty (to indicate that there is no deadline set), or it must be a valid date in the dd-MM-yyyy format.
- 28-02-2024
- 08-11-2022
KEYWORD The keyword to find a project by name.

It should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

It is case-insensitive.
- Website
- create website

Note that some of the limits for the parameters stated above are not enforced by the application. You are recommended to follow these limits for the best user experience. We may enforce them in a future iteration.

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Add a new project: addP

Adds a new project in TaskHub.


  • Adds a new project with the given name, and assigns employee(s) to this project if EMPLOYEE_INDEX(ES) are provided.
  • The index(es) refers to the index number(s) shown in the displayed employee panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each employee index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The index(es) must be a positive integers 1, 2, 3,…
  • There is no deadline set by default.
  • The priority is normal by default.
  • The status is not completed by default.
:information_source: Information: If the newly added project does not show up in the project panel, try running list or listP.


  • addP n/Project1 em/1 will add Project1 to the projects list, and assigns the employee at index 1 currently displayed in the employee panel to this project.
  • addP n/Project2 will add an empty Project2 to the projects list.

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Edit a project: editP

Edits an existing project in TaskHub.

Format: editP INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PRIORITY] [d/DEADLINE]

  • Edits the project at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • If a DEADLINE date is provided, it must be in the dd-MM-yyyy format.
  • You can remove the DEADLINE of the project by typing d/ without specifying any deadline after it.
  • You can also provide a DEADLINE date e.g. d/01-01-2024, in which case the provided deadline will overwrite the current deadline (if any).


  • editP 1 n/Market Analysis p/low Edits the name and priority of the 1st project to Market Analysis and low respectively.
  • editP 2 p/high d/ Edits 2nd project’s priority to high and removes the deadline.

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Delete a project: deleteP

Deletes the specified project from TaskHub.

Format: deleteP INDEX

  • Deletes the project at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3,…

:no_entry: Danger

  • This action is irreversible.
  • Please ensure that you are certain that you want to delete the project before proceeding.


  • listP followed by deleteP 2 deletes the 2nd project in TaskHub.

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Mark project(s) as completed: markP

Marks the specified project(s) as completed in TaskHub.


  • Marks the project(s) at the specified INDEX(ES) as completed.
  • The index(es) refers to the index number(s) shown in the displayed project panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The index(es) must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3,…


  • listP followed by markP 1 3 marks the 1st and 3rd projects as completed in TaskHub.
  • findP Capstone followed by markP 1 marks the 1st project in the results of the findP command as completed.

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Mark project(s) as incomplete: unmarkP

Marks the specified project(s) as incomplete in TaskHub.

Format: unmarkP INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]

  • Marks the project(s) at the specified INDEX(ES) as incomplete.
  • The index(es) refers to the index number(s) shown in the displayed projects panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The index(es) must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3,…


  • listP followed by unmarkP 1 3 marks the 1st and 3rd projects as incomplete in TaskHub.
  • findP Capstone followed by unmarkP 1 marks the 1st project in the results of the findP command as incomplete.

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Edit deadline of (a) project(s): dlP

Edits the deadline of the specified project(s) in Taskhub.


  • Edits the deadline of the project(s) at the specified INDEX(ES).
  • The index(es) refers to the index number(s) shown in the displayed project panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The index(es) must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The d/ prefix is required, but the DEADLINE is optional.
  • If a date is provided, it must be in the dd-MM-yyyy format.
  • Existing deadline will be updated to the new deadline for each project.
  • To remove the deadline of a project, leave the DEADLINE blank.


  • dlP 2 d/18-01-2022 sets the deadline of the 2nd project to be 18-01-2022.
  • dlP 1 2 d/ removes the deadline of the 1st and 2nd projects.
  • findP Infinity followed by dlP 1 d/25-11-2024 sets the deadline of the 1st project in the results of the findP command to be 25-11-2024.

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Prioritise projects: priorityP

Sets a priority for the specified project(s) in TaskHub.


  • Sets the priority of the project(s) at the specified INDEX(ES).
  • The index(es) refers to the index number(s) shown in the displayed project panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The index(es) must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3,…
  • The PRIORITY must be one of: low, normal or high.


  • listP followed by priorityP 1 2 p/high sets the 1st and 2nd projects as high priority in TaskHub.

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List all projects: listP

Shows a list of all projects in TaskHub.

list example

Format: listP

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Locate projects by name: findP

Find projects whose names contain any of the given keywords. Additionally, it shows only the employees that are under these projects.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. website will match Website
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Create Website will match Website Create
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Website will not match Websites
  • Projects matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Website Model will return Create Website, Build Model


  • findP website model returns Create Website, Build Model
  • findP market returns Market Expansion
    result for 'findP market'

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Task Commands

Command Parameters

Parameter Description​ Examples​
TASK_NAME The task’s name.

It should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

It should not be blank and should not exceed 80 characters.
- Create Wireframes
- Responsive Web Design
PROJECT_INDEX The index number of the project as shown in the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of projects currently shown in the displayed project panel. It should be less than 1000.
- 1
EMPLOYEE_INDEX The index number of the employee as shown in the specified project on the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of employees present in the specified project. It should be less than 1000.
- 2
TASK_INDEX The index number of the task as shown in the specified project on the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of tasks currently in the specified project. It should be less than 1000.
- 3
DEADLINE The task’s deadline.

It must be a valid date and time in the dd-MM-yyyy HHmm format.
- 11-11-2023 2359
- 28-02-2024 0900

Note that some of the limits for the parameters stated above are not enforced by the application. You are recommended to follow these limits for the best user experience. We may enforce them in a future iteration.

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Add a new task to a project: addT

Adds a new task to the specified project in TaskHub and assigns it to the (optionally) specified employee.


  • Adds a new task to the project at the specified PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The employee index field is optional - the task will be assigned to the employee at EMPLOYEE_INDEX if specified,
  • otherwise it will have no assignee, and assignT can be used after that to assign it to an employee.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…
  • The deadline must be in the format dd-MM-yyyy HHmm.
  • It is possible for the deadline of the task to be after the deadline of the project.


  • listP followed by addT pr/1 n/Website d/11-10-2023 2359 adds a task named Website with deadline 11-10-2023 2359 to the 1st project.
  • findP Capstone followed by addT pr/1 n/Website d/11-10-2023 2359 adds a task named Website with deadline 11-10-2023 2359 to the 1st project from the result of the findP command.

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Delete a task from a project: deleteT

Delete the specified task(s) from the specified project in TaskHub.


  • Delete the task(s) at the specified TASK_INDEX(es), from the project at the specified PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The task index(es) refer to the index number(s) shown in the task list of the above specified project.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…

:no_entry: Danger

  • This action is irreversible.
  • Please ensure that you are certain that you want to delete the task before proceeding.


  • listP followed by deleteT pr/1 t/1 3 deletes the 1st and 3rd tasks of the 1st project from TaskHub.
  • findP Capstone followed by deleteT pr/2 t/2 deletes the 2nd task in the 2nd project from the results of the findP command.

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Mark task(s) as completed: markT

Marks the specified task(s) of a specified project as completed in TaskHub.


  • Marks the tasks(s) at the specified TASK_INDEX(es), of the project at the specified PROJECT_INDEX as completed.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The task index(es) refer to the index number(s) shown in the task list of the above specified project.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…


  • listP followed by markT pr/1 t/1 3 marks the 1st and 3rd tasks of the 1st project as completed in TaskHub.
  • findP Capstone followed by markT pr/2 t/2 marks the 2nd task in the 2nd project from the results of the findP command as completed.

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Mark task(s) as incomplete: unmarkT

Marks the specified task(s) of a specified project as incomplete in TaskHub.


  • Marks the tasks(s) at the specified TASK_INDEX(es), of the project at the specified PROJECT_INDEX as incomplete.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The task index(es) refer to the index number(s) shown in the task list of the above specified project.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…


  • listP followed by unmarkT pr/1 t/1 3 marks the 1st and 3rd tasks of the 1st project as incomplete in TaskHub.
  • findP Capstone followed by unmarkT pr/2 t/2 marks the 2nd task in the 2nd project from the results of the findP command as incomplete.

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Sort tasks by deadline and completion status: sortT

Sorts the tasks in each project in the displayed project panel by their deadline and completion status.

Format: sortT

  • The sorting of tasks is done within each project i.e. tasks from different projects are not compared.
  • Incomplete tasks will be placed before completed ones and tasks with an earlier deadline will be placed before those with a later one.
  • Completion status takes precedence over deadline i.e. an incomplete task with a later deadline will be placed before a completed task with an earlier deadline.

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Assignment Commands

Command Parameters

Parameter Description​ Examples​
PROJECT_INDEX The index number of the project as shown in the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of projects currently shown in the displayed project panel. It should be less than 1000.
- 1
EMPLOYEE_INDEX This has slightly different meanings depending on the command that uses this parameter.


The index number of the employee as shown in the employee panel.

It should not be more than the number of employees currently shown in the displayed employee panel.


The index number of the employee as shown in the specified project on the project panel.

It should not be more than the number of employees present in the specified project.

In all cases:

It should be a positive integer and it should be less than 1000.
- 2
TASK_INDEX The index number of the task as shown in the specified project on the project panel.

It should be a positive integer, and should not be more than the number of tasks currently in the specified project. It should be less than 1000.
- 3

Note that some of the limits for the parameters stated above are not enforced by the application. You are recommended to follow these limits for the best user experience. We may enforce them in a future iteration.

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Assign employee(s) to a project: assignP

Assigns employee(s) to a project in TaskHub.


  • The employee(s) specified by the EMPLOYEE_INDEX(ES) will be assigned to the project specified by the PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The employee index(es) refer to the index number(s) shown in the displayed employee panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…


  • list followed by assignP pr/2 em/1 3 will assign the 1st and 3rd employees to the 2nd project.
  • findP Capstone followed by assignP pr/1 em/1 will assign the 1st employee to the 1st project from the results of the findP command.

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Un-assign employee(s) from a project: unassignP

Un-assigns employee(s) from a project in TaskHub.


  • The employee(s) specified by the EMPLOYEE_INDEX(ES) will be un-assigned from the project specified by the PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The employee index(es) refer to the index number(s) shown in the displayed employee panel.
  • If multiple indexes are provided, each index must be separated by a singular space.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…

:warning: Warning

  • If an employee to be unassigned from the project is currently assigned to a task within the project, the employee will be unassigned from the task as well.


  • list followed by unassignP pr/2 em/1 3 will un-assign the 1st and 3rd employees from the 2nd project.
  • findP Capstone followed by unassignP pr/1 em/1 un-assigns the 1st employee from the 1st project from the results of the findP command.

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Assign an employee to a task: assignT

Assigns a specified employee in a specified project to a specified task in that project.


  • The employee specified by the EMPLOYEE_INDEX will be assigned to the task specified by the TASK_INDEX in the project specified by the PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The task index refers to the index number of the task as shown in the specified project on the project panel.
  • The employee index refers to the index number of the employee as shown in the specified project on the project panel.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…

:warning: Warning

  • In this version of TaskHub, only a single employee can be assigned to a task at a time.
  • Assigning a task that has already been assigned to another employee will overwrite that employee.


  • listP followed by assignT pr/1 t/1 em/2 assigns the first task in the first project to the second employee in the project.
  • findP Capstone followed by assignT pr/2 t/2 em/2 assigns the second task, in the second project from the results of findP, to the second employee in the project.

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Un-assign an employee from a task: unassignT

Un-assigns the currently assigned employee from the specified task in the specified project.

Format: unassignT pr/PROJECT_INDEX t/TASK_INDEX

  • The currently assigned employee, if exists, will be un-assigned from the task specified by the TASK_INDEX in the project specified by the PROJECT_INDEX.
  • The project index refers to the index number shown in the displayed project panel.
  • The task index refers to the index number of the task as shown in the specified project on the project panel.
  • The indexes must be positive integers 1, 2, 3,…


  • listP followed by unassignT pr/1 t/1 un-assigns the first task in the first project from the currently assigned employee.
  • findP Capstone followed by unassignT pr/2 t/2 un-assigns the second task, in the second project from the results of findP, from the currently assigned employee.

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Data Storage

Save the data

TaskHub’s data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Edit the data file

TaskHub data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/taskhub.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:no_entry: Danger: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, TaskHub will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it. More details are provided under the FAQ Section.

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Q: Why is all my TaskHub data gone?
A: Most likely, your data is still mostly intact, so it is recommended to exit the app first by manually closing the window or the shortcut Alt + F4 as executing some commands such as addE,exit and clear will clear the previously stored data in this situation. Taskhub may appear empty as it requires all data stored in the data file to be in the correct format so that it can be read back to TaskHub. A TaskHub that suddenly becomes empty indicates an issue with the data file.

:information_source: The solution below assumes that you are familiar with files in the .json format, and how TaskHub stores data. If you are unfamiliar, please check out this website to know more about .json files
If you have directly changed any data in the taskhub.json file instead of through TaskHub, it is highly likely that it would be in the wrong format, resulting in an empty TaskHub.
To attempt to recover as much data as possible, it is recommended to save a copy of the taskhub.json file somewhere else and perform the following actions:
1. Remove all projects from your taskhub.json file. ("projects" : [] should be the result after this operation, like the image shown below)
Data file with only employees 2. Run TaskHub with the edited taskhub.json file. If the list of employees is shown, then the problem lies in your projects. Otherwise, a format error lies in the "employee" section of your json file. It is recommended to start from scratch because most likely your projects and tasks that involve the employee have different degree of changes, and it might be impractical to manually change each occurence of the employee.
3. Now, add each project one by one, ensuring that TaskHub can run normally after each project addition. If TaskHub appears empty after the addition of a particular project, it is most likely that the employees in the project are different from those stored in TaskHub. Check the employees assigned in your project and employees assigned to relevant tasks, making sure every field is equal to its counterpart in the employee list.
While checking an employee assigned to a task, make sure the employee is the same employee in the project and in the employee list. Each project should have this format: Data file with a project 4. Repeat the step above until every project is added to TaskHub.
If you have not changed anything, ensure your data folder containing your taskhub.json is in the same folder as your taskhub.jar.

Q: Why is TaskHub not loading for me?
A: If you did modify your taskhub.json file, it is most likely that you put the keyword null somewhere in the json file. Removing these keywords should at least present to you an empty TaskHub.
Another possibility is that your taskhub.log or taskhub.json files are set to read-only.
The first step is to open the folder that contains all your files related to TaskHub.

  • For Windows users, right-click each file in your file explorer, click on properties and untick Read-only in Attributes.
  • For MacOS users, for each file in Finder choose File > Get Info > Sharing & Permissions. Set the privilege for yourself to be Read & Write.
  • For Linux users, run chmod a+rw * in your terminal. If you have difficulty navigating to your directory that contains the files, check out the “Navigation and Exploration” section of this website.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous TaskHub home folder.

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Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

Command summary

General Commands

Action Format, Examples
Help help
List All Employees And Projects list
Clear clear
Exit exit

Employee Commands

Action Format, Examples
Add Employee addE n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​
e.g., addE n/James Ho p/22224444 e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/Java
Edit Employee editE INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​
e.g., editE 1 n/John Doe p/11114444 e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/Python
Delete Employee deleteE INDEX
e.g., deleteE 3
List All Employees listE
Find Employee(s) findE KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., findE James Jake

Project Commands

Action Format, Examples
e.g, addP n/CS2103T em/2 3 4 5
Edit Project editP INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PRIORITY] [d/DEADLINE]
e.g., editP 3 n/Create Website p/high
Delete Project deleteP INDEX
e.g., deleteP 3
Mark Project(s) As Complete markP INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]
e.g., markP 1 3
Mark Project(s) As Incomplete unmarkP INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]
e.g., unmarkP 1 3
Edit Project Deadline dlP INDEX [MORE_INDEXES] d/[DEADLINE]
e.g., dlP 1 2 d/27-11-2023
Prioritise Project(s) priorityP INDEX [MORE_INDEXES] p/PRIORITY
e.g., priorityP 1 2 p/high
List All Projects listP
Find Project(s) findP KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., findP Website Create

Task Commands

Action Format, Examples
e.g., addT pr/1 em/1 n/Read docs d/11-11-2023 2359
e.g., deleteT pr/1 t/1 5 3
e.g., markT pr/1 t/1 3
Mark Task(s) As Incomplete unmarkT pr/PROJECT_INDEX t/TASK_INDEX [MORE_TASK_INDEXES]
e.g., unmarkT pr/1 t/1 3
Sort Tasks By Deadline And Completion Status sortT

Assignment Commands

Action Format, Examples
Assign Employee(s) To Project assignP pr/PROJECT_INDEX em/EMPLOYEE_INDEX [MORE_EMPLOYEE_INDEXES]…​
e.g, assignP pr/4 em/1 2 3
Un-assign Employee(s) From Project unassignP pr/PROJECT_INDEX em/EMPLOYEE_INDEX [MORE_EMPLOYEE_INDEXES]
e.g, unassignP pr/2 em/1 3
Assign Employee to Task assignT pr/PROJECT_INDEX t/TASK_INDEX em/EMPLOYEE_INDEX
e.g., assignT pr/1 t/1 em/3
Un-assign Employee from Task unassignT pr/PROJECT_INDEX t/TASK_INDEX
e.g., unassignT pr/1 t/1

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Appendix A: Installing Java

Follow these steps to install Java on your computer:

  1. Download Java 11:
  2. Follow the instructions on Oracle’s website
    • Go to the appropriate guide page and follow the instructions based on your operating system to complete the installation.
  3. Verify Installation: After installation, open a terminal (on MacOS) or Command Prompt (on Windows) and run the following commands to verify that Java is installed:
   java -version

If installed correctly, you should see version information for both Java and the Java Compiler. The message should look something like this:

openjdk version "11.0.20" 2023-07-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.66+15-CA (build 11.0.20+8-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.66+15-CA (build 11.0.20+8-LTS, mixed mode)

Now, you’re ready to proceed with the launching of TaskHub. Click here to get back to the installation tutorial.

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