Chandan's Project Portfolio Page
Project: TaskHub
TaskHub is a desktop project management application used by project managers to manage projects and their team members in each project. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added the mark/unmark tasks commands (#143)
- What it does: Lets the user set the completion status of a task.
- Justification: Allows users to know which tasks are not yet completed, which makes it easier for them to track the progress of their projects.
- New Feature: Added the find projects command (#108)
- What it does: Lets the user search for specific projects by name, with the provided keywords. It also filters the employees down to those who are under these projects.
- Justification: Allows users to filter out specific projects and the relevant employees for easier project tracking.
- New Feature: Added the list projects/list projects and employees commands (#101 and #110)
- What it does: Lets the user list out all existing projects/all existing projects and employees respectively.
- Justification: Allows users to see all projects and/or employees at a glance.
- New Feature: Added the sort tasks command (#158)
- What it does: Lets the user sort tasks in each project by completion status (incomplete before completed) and deadline (earlier before later).
- Justification: Allows users to better visualize the progress of task completion in each project.
Ui Feature/Enhancement: Added a Ui panel and cards for projects (#89)
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Contributed to setting team milestones and deadlines.
- Contributed to setting agendas for team meetings.
- Contributed to PE-D bug triaging and management.
- Managed the latest milestone 1.3 release.
- Enhancements to existing feature: Modified the find employees command (#108)
- What it does: It now filters the projects down to those that contain the filtered employees (in addition to filtering out employees).
- Justification: Allows users to filter out specific employees and the relevant projects for easier employee management.
- Review/mentoring contributions:
- Contributions to team-based tasks:
- Absorbed “Remark” functionality implemented at the start of the tP, to be morphed into projects. (#36)
- Contributions beyond the project team:
- Participated in this forum discussion and contributed with a potential solution for a peer’s issue.
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Added UG introduction.
- Added documentation for the features that I had implemented (mentioned above).
- Developer Guide:
- Amended the DG glossary.
- Updated the Model section to fit our application.
- Documented the design of my Find Projects command.
- Added the Effort section and the relevant sub-sections.
- Project README:
- Updated the README description and links to fit our application.
- User Guide: