Project: TaskHub


TaskHub is a desktop project management application used by project managers to manage projects and their team members in each project. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed:

My code contributions to TaskHub can be found here.

Enhancements implemented:

  • Upgraded Help Window:
    • Modified Ui for
    • Displays a quick guide of all commands.
    • Provides a clickable hyperlink to the user guide at the bottom, instead of the original ‘copy to clipboard’ feature.
    • Added value to the help command.
  • Task Model, addT, and deleteT Command:
    • Created infrastructure for tasks in both the model and Ui files - the Ui can be seen in the ‘Tasks’ section of the Projects in the screenshot above.
    • Implemented basic functionality for adding and deleting tasks.
    • Efficiently manages multiple task deletions.
    • Enhanced addT to allow task assignment to an employee upon creation using the optional em/ parameter.

Contributions to the UG:

  • Introductory section
    • Getting Started
      • Installing and launching TaskHub
      • Understanding the components of TaskHub
      • Quick Start
  • Features section
    • Explanation for addT command.
    • Explanation for deleteT command.

Contributions to the DG:

  • Architecture, UI Component, Logic component, Model Component, Employee, Project, Task components
    • Addition of tasks to the Class Diagram for Ui component
    • Minor updates and diagram changes to other components (e.g., removing attributes section, updating command names/links)
  • Implementation Section
    • Upgraded Help Feature
    • Add Task feature (created sequence diagram for this)

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Set up the GitHub team org/repo
  • Updated diagrams in DG related to Tasks
  • Created tags to help with bug triaging post PE-D
  • Generated table for PR review allocations here:

Review/mentoring contributions:

  • Within the team, we had decided that each of us were to review 2 of our teammates. I mainly reviewed Anton and Aslam’s PRs.
  • Helped Anton with centering the TaskHub logo in this PR , by providing a code block which gave advice on handling positioning of components on Java FXML.
  • Gave Aslam code quality suggestions in this PR so that we could sync up our implementation of deadlines in both Tasks and Projects.

Contributions beyond the project team:

  • Reported an above average bug count of 10 with value-added suggestions to my allocated PE-D team, can be seen from the PE-D repo.
  • Participated in the forum in this issue.

UG Extracts

Understanding the components of TaskHub


An Employee is someone that you are managing. TaskHub allows you to store their essential details and tag them with their strengths and weaknesses so you can allocate them to suitable Projects or Tasks.


Field Description Prefix for addE
Name Name of the employee. n/
Phone Number Phone number of the employee. p/
Email Email address of the employee. e/
Address Address of the employee. a/
Tags Tags indicating strengths/weaknesses/position of the employee. t/


A Project in TaskHub is a managerial unit that includes information about Employees allocated to the project and an (optionally) set deadline. You can mark a Project as done when you deem fit. Additionally, you can add Tasks to a Project.


Field Description Prefix for addP Relevant Command(s)
Name Name of the project. n/ -
Employees Employees assigned to the project. em/ assignP
Deadline Deadline for the project. - dlP
Priority Priority level of the project. - priorityP
CompletionStatus Indicates whether the project is completed or in progress. - markP, unmarkP
Tasks Tasks associated with the project. - addT


A Task in TaskHub represents a specific job within a Project that can be assigned to an Employee under that Project. Tasks are required to have a deadline. Managing Tasks will be the main way of monitoring the work done within your TaskHub!


Field Description Prefix for addT Relevant Command
Name Name of the task. n/ -
Employee Employee assigned to the task. em/ assignT
Deadline Deadline for completing the task. d/ -
isDone Indicates whether the task is complete. N.A. markT, unmarkT

DG Extracts

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, EmployeeListPanel, ProjectListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The diagram above briefly demonstrates the hierarchy of the Ui components. A few more notes are as follows:

  • At the level just below MainWindow, there are the main components, like CommandBox, ResultDisplay, EmployeeListPanel and ProjectListPanel.
  • EmployeeListPanel contains some number of EmployeeCards.
  • ProjectListPanel contains some number of ProjectCards
    • which contain a TaskListPanel with their TaskCards if the relevant Project in the Model contains a Task.

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Employee object residing in the Model.

Add Task feature


When creating a new task using the addT command, the TaskList of the specified Project is updated, and the Project is hence updated too.

Given below is an example usage scenario and the internal changes that happen at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. All employees and projects will be shown to the user.

Step 2. The user executes addT n/todo pr/1 em/1 d/11-11-2023 2359 to add a new Task called todo to the first currently listed Project, assigned to the first Employee within that Project. LogicManager will call TaskHubParser#parse(input) to extract the parameters and pass it to an AddTaskCommandParser.

Step 3. TaskHubParser will call AddTaskCommandParser#parse(arguments) to produce a AddTaskCommand to be executed by the LogicManager.

Step 4. LogicManager calls AddTaskCommand#execute(model) to produce a CommandResult to be logged.

Step 5. During the execution of the AddTaskCommand, a new Project copy is created, with an updated TaskList that contains the newly created Task. If an employeeIndex was specified by the command (in this case it was), then Model::getFilteredEmployeeList is called to assign the new Task to the specified Employee. Then, the Model#setProject and Model#updateFilteredProjectList is called, to trigger a Ui update, as the specified Project has been updated with an updated TaskList.

Step 6. A CommandResult is produced based on whether the execution was a success or not and returned to the LogicManager.